During the day of fasting against Obesity

Muslims who are fasting during Ramadan for 30 days from dawn to sunset, are better protected against insulin resistance and the risks of a fat – and sugar-rich diet. This was the result of a study, the results of which were presented at the Digestive Disease Week in 2019 in San Diego. The researchers are of the opinion that this could almost serve practice as a new treatment approach for diseases such as obesity, Diabetes and non-alcohol-related fatty liver.

In blood samples of people who fasted during Ramadan, scientists have found increased levels of substances that play an important role for the cellular repair and insulin sensitivity. The latter enable the body cells, glucose.

Professor Dr. Ayse Leyla Mindikoglu from the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas said: "Eating and fasting can affect the production and use of proteins, which are important for reducing insulin resistance and maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial, significantly. Therefore, the timing of meals and the duration between them to be important factors for people who are struggling with being Overweight."

For the pilot study, 14 healthy subjects were examined fasting during Ramadan, about 15 hours a day. Between the beginning of fasting and a week later, the researchers found significantly different concentrations of certain protein substances that affect insulin sensitivity.

"We are in the process of our research on people with metabolic syndrome and non-alcohol-related fatty liver, extending, to determine whether the results with those of healthy individuals übereinstimmen", so Mindikoglu. "Based on our initial research results, we believe that the fasting from sunrise to sunset can be a cost-effective Intervention for people struggling with being Overweight."


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