The flu is rampant in Germany – how to protect yourself at the carnival against infection

At the beginning of February already, more than 20,000 influenza were reported Infected, since the end of September, 96 people have died from the effects of Influenza. Flu viruses spread extremely quickly, especially in large crowds. FOCUS Online explains how the carnival to survive healthy.

Germany is in the midst of a Flu epidemic. This is clear from the Figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI): Thus it was in the sixth week of the year already 20.629 confirmed Influenza-Infected. Especially strongly it has taken Bavaria and Saxony. There are about 9000, and nearly 3,000 cases were reported. Also deaths there have been, according to the RKI already: Since the end of September 2019 96 people are, therefore, the consequences of an Influenza died. Dangerous the influenza virus are mainly for immuno-compromised people, the Elderly and children.

The flu wave – also during the carnival

Infect you can, if you come with a Diseased contact. The risk is particularly high, and where many people stay on the same place and since carnival events are no exception. Influenza viruses are transmitted by droplet infection, so if by coughing and Sneezing, virus-containing droplets enter the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. But also on hands and surfaces can become infected. Caution: the Infected can already be transmitted before the onset of the symptoms of the disease.

So you protect yourself from Influenza and other viruses

Those who want to protect themselves from infection, one should adhere to some rules whether during carnival or not. The Federal centre for health education (BzgA) is recommended on your page

  • Thoroughly wash hands not only after using the toilet, but also after contact with waste, the diaper change, contact with animals or animal waste, and before and after Preparing and Eating of food.
  • Thorough Hygiene in the toilet and in the house: make Sure your toilet regularly to clean. Normal cleaning agents according to the BzgA. Also light switches and doorknobs clean. If you are close to flush with the toilet lid before, you can prevent the spread of germs, in addition. Before disinfectants, experts advise, however, you can damage not only the microorganisms, but also the body and the environment.
  • Barrier measures: the influenza virus at a distance to keep, are also already Diseased asked. If it’s not good for you, from the cure as much as possible at home. Avoid close contact and keep on the good characteristics of the wound, and possibly even protective clothing.
  • Properly coughing and sneezing: Keep at least a meters distance to your fellow man when you cough or sneeze must. To hold a protective Hand in front of the mouth, is not advisable. Cough or sneeze into a tissue that you dispose of right. You have no handkerchief at the ready, coughing you better in the arm than in the Hand. Afterwards, you should wash your hands.

People with underlying diseases, Pregnant women (from the fourth month of pregnancy) and over 60 years old people should be vaccinated against influenza.

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