Risk of depression for children and adolescents to predict on the basis of a genetic profile
An international team of researchers has now found for the first time, that using a genetic profile to predict whether there is an increased genes present genetic risk for Depression in children and adolescents. The offer the possibility of effective prevention strategies.
Study with 2,000 children and young people
In a study, it is possible for the first time on the basis of a genetic profile of the disease to predict risk for Depression in children and adolescents. In the context of this scientific work under the guidance of the Max-Planck-Institute of psychiatry (MPI) in Munich, and the clinic and polyclinic for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatics and psychotherapy of the LMU Munich (KJP) have been examined more than 2,000 children and young people, genetically, with questionnaires and clinical Interviews. The results of the study were published in the scientific magazine “American Journal of Psychiatry”.

Number of people with depression is increasing
More and more people are suffering from Depression.
Even in the case of preschool children, the mental illness is detected.
The world health organization (WHO), Depression is one of the most common mental disorders that begin in childhood and adolescence and lead to severe psychosocial impairments and suicidal tendencies.
According to health experts, the mental condition is usually very treatable as long as it is detected early.
However, in spite of many diagnostic and treatment possibilities in Germany, less than 50 percent of the treatment reach needy children and young people in care. Often the disease is discovered too late.
Disease often begins in childhood
As the Max-Planck-Institute for psychiatry in a communication writes, are seen as the causes of genetic, neurobiological, social and psychological factors that mutually reinforce each other.
Although the disease can occur at any age, it begins often in childhood and adolescence.
To be able to as early as possible, effective and targeted support for the prevention of Depression to develop is the identification of risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease, the Central.
Important insights to the genetics of the disease
According to the MPI, the international research team, which also includes the Emory University, Atlanta (USA) and the universities of Coimbra (Portugal) and Helsinki (Finland) has found out, now, for the first time, that using a genetic profile to predict whether there is an increased genes present genetic risk for Depression in children and adolescents.
In the past year, large genome-wide studies in adults important insights into the genetics of Depression.
The scientists tested whether the genetic Profiles can also be used to make predictions about the emergence, severity and disease onset in children and adolescents.
“On the Basis of 460.00 adults with Depression, this risk was found profile for the first time,” explained the first author of the study, Dr. Thorhildur Halldorsdottir from the MPI.
“Based on this, we have samples in children and adolescents in three points, in the case of patients from the clinic, and two epidemiological samples, show that the risk profile affects both the clinical diagnosis of Depression as well as depressive symptoms.”
Early diagnosis improve
“This study is an important step in the direction of understanding the complex genetic causes of Depression in children and young people is managed”, said Professor Dr. med. Gerd Schulte-Körne, Director of the KJP.
“However, the Score only explains the increase in Risk and not the disease!”
It could be shown that already in a Depression ill children and adolescents, the link between increased genetic risk profile and the Severity of the depressive illness, as well as the initial age of onset.
Abuse experiences in Childhood, this represents an additional risk factor for the development of Depression and depressive symptoms.
“There is still much to be done to improve the early diagnosis of depression in young people,” says the Max Planck Director and head of the study, Professor Dr. Dr. Elisabeth Binder.
“If, however, we know that children develop with a higher probability of a Depression, we have the possibility of effective prevention strategies and to reduce the enormous burden of Depression,” explained Binder.
Measures for depression prevention
Depression prevent this, you should move regularly. Already an hour of exercise per week lowers the risk of Depression.
In addition, you should focus on relaxation, for example, by means of autogenic Training, Yoga or reading.
Also, the diet can help to reduce the risk for Depression. It is recommended that healthy to eat varied and wholesome. Recommended foods are vegetables, for example, fruit and unsalted nuts.
Nutritional supplements in depression prevention, however, is as good as nothing, as a study has shown.
Other prevention measures: The consumption of alcohol, low and nicotine without. In addition, care should be taken at a sufficiently long sleep. (ad)