Man's warning after Turkey teeth surgery leaves him looking 'like a shark'

A British model who forked out £3,000 for veneers in Turkey has said he ‘looks like a shark’ after being less than impressed with the dental work.

Jack James, 22, jetted to Istanbul to undergo the dental procedure in a bid to look ‘better on camera’.

And while he was pleased with the initial results, his gums later started to bleed and the veneers had to be removed.

Jack was shocked to discover that his original teeth had been shaved down, saying ‘it was like something out of a horror movie.’

Turkey has become popular amongst Brits looking to get beauty and cosmetic treatments – it’s often a fraction of the price there compared to clinics in the UK. 

Jack flew to the Turkish capital in September 2022 to get the veneers fitted, and was initially happy.

But back home he started struggling to floss. He didn’t think anything of it until his teeth started to bleed in May 2023.

‘They looked good until they started to bleed and hurt,’ he explains.

‘I searched for an emergency dentist and had x-rays done.

‘The dentist said my teeth were a mess and that I had an infection. They said it would cost up to £20k to fix.’

Unsure of what to do, Jack got back in touch with the clinic in Turkey to see if they could help.

He said: ‘They were adamant it wasn’t their fault. They said I’d have to pay again to get it fixed.’

Out of desperation, he flew back to Turkey earlier this month to have the veneers removed, which cost him, including flights, an additional £4500.

It was there that he said he was shocked to discover his real teeth had been shaved down to look like a ‘shark’.

He said: ‘They started to pus and leak. My breath stank. When they took the veneers out I saw they had shaved my teeth down so much.

‘I looked like a shark.’

‘It was like something out of a horror movie.’

He said: ‘They took all my teeth and the abscess out and put temporary teeth in. It took a few weeks for the infection to clear.’

Jack was then able to have a new set of veneers fitted and returned to the UK in June 2023. But while brushing, a crown fell out – and he has been left with a gap in his teeth.

He is now warning others to do their research before going overseas for dentistry treatments.

‘I feel so upset with myself,’ he added. ‘I feel like plucking all my teeth out. I wish I’d got composite bonding [a non-invasive, reversible treatment to treat minor blemishes or gaps in teeth] but I can’t change the past.’

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