In the treatment of male problems such as erectile dysfunction homeopathy can be a complementary and supportive therapy to be valuable. Case examples illustrate what can provide a holistic treatment of sexual function disorders – where the initial assessment of complaints by the medical specialist should be.
Homeopathy for the man, and then also a taboo topic like erectile dysfunction seems to be in itself actually a contradiction. Because we know that men will go anyway, usually only to the doctor, when the suffering is immense. And you usually expect rapid assistance, at best by a few pills. That homeopathy could be an additional therapeutic option, is the most of all of them probably not even aware of.
Because homeopathy against men’s typical complaints little is known so far, there is hardly any literature on this topic. This gap could close the book “homeopathy in the men’s medicine”.
Numerous case examples show how typical men are problems in the conventional medical therapy by homeopathy can be supported. A condition medical diagnosis and the insightful, in-depth history of the homeopaths, so the best-matching resources can be selected. Two examples illustrate this:
Erectile dysfunction in the case of 33-Year-old
The man suffers from the fact that he’s not getting proper erection longer. He can’t insert the Penis. To a seed cast it, not even to an unconscious night (Pollution). Even while Masturbating, the Patient achieved, if at all, only a weak erection. His sexual Desire has decreased. The emotional stress is particularly large, because he and his wife wish for a child.
The investigation by the urologist brought no results.
The careful history by a physician for General medicine and homeopathy, reveals, among other things, that the Patient has Psoriasis, while he has already been dealt with earlier, and under the armpit sweat suffers. The doctor advises after the application of the means of Graphites, and Lycopodium, the change bit, to Natrum muriaticum. After seven weeks, the next time you visit the practice, the man reported that the erections are temporarily returned, after a further seven weeks, no problems during intercourse can occur, the desire to have children can be fulfilled.
Natrium muriaticum (rock salt) is a widely used homeopathic remedy, especially for chronic diseases – prerequisite is always that the different symptoms to this substance.
Potency problems in the case of 57-Year-old
The desire to have Sex with his wife missing the man for some time. He gets an erection longer. His wife accuses him of the. These accusations weigh on him. Family stress – the people in need of care mother and a grandchild that has to be cared for – to have exhausted his wife. The man has a fear of failure, would like to meet again, as before, the erotic dreams of his wife.
A non-surgical and urological examination notes that the man is healthy.
The homeopathic Doctor prescribes it after a thorough Anamese Pulsatilla M as a single dose. The treatment after several months. After ten months, the man reported that he have spoken with his wife about expectations and disappointments, the Fears. The intimate life is again harmonious.
Pulsatilla (Meadow pasqueflower) is a well-known homöopathsiches woman means, but also in the urogenital tract of man, some of the symptoms. In the example it was chosen mainly because of the state of mind of the man.
A further six homeopathic remedies for erectile dysfunction
Power problems put the Psyche under pressure
In General, the authors recommend to promote as a complementary therapy for relaxation. Because men affected by sexual dysfunction, stand alone due to this problem under psychological pressure. This includes relaxation techniques and aromatherapy with fragrance suitable materials, such as lavender, lemon balm, aniseed, lemongrass, bergamot, rosemary.
In addition, there are several herbal remedies that are useful, such as Ginseng, taiga root, Rhodiola rosea, and St. John’s wort, in addition to the well-known calming herbs such as Valerian, hops and passion flower.