Vitamin D as a treatment adjunct in metabolic disorders suitable
Austrian researchers have found that women who suffer from certain metabolic disorders, can be helped with Vitamin D supplementation. The scientists have proven in their study, the positive effect of Vitamin D on the blood sugar levels.
Sensible Vitamin D Supplementation
Especially in the dark Season of the year is often used on Vitamin-D-supplements to provide themselves with the so-called “sun vitamin”. According to experts, the use of such preparations are, however, not all people is advisable. For women who suffer from a specific metabolic disorder, it is recommended to have a Vitamin-D supplementation, but, as researchers from Austria have found out. They have demonstrated the positive effect of Vitamin D on the blood sugar values of patients with hormonal disorders.
One of the most common hormonal disorders
The “Polycystic ovary syndrome” (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorders, which is often the cause of cycle disorders and infertility.
Typically the PCOS is a dark fuzz on the upper lip, width, density, eyebrows, pubic hair, pulling up on the thigh, and in a broad strip up to the navel and the dark hair on the calves, writes of the professional Association of gynaecologists (BVF) in a communication, for example.
A characteristic feature in the metabolic disorder, enlarged ovaries with many small follicles, such as in a post of “scilog” – the magazine of the Austrian science Fund FWF.
Therefore, many therapies often consider (only) the aspect unfulfilled desire to have children.
Increased risk for cardiovascular disease and Diabetes
But the health consequences are more comprehensive. So there is an increased risk for cardiovascular disease or type 2 Diabetes is considered to be occupied, wherein the adverse effect on metabolic parameters such as blood sugar value and Insulin with the higher testosterone levels of the patients.
In addition, Vitamin D deficiency is a common side effect.
According to Elisabeth Lerch tree, internist at the Department of endocrinology and diabetology of the Medical University of Graz, is at around 80 to 85 percent of patients.
With her at the clinic the women get in the case of a Vitamin-D deficiency now, in addition to Standard therapy is a medically safe dose of Vitamin D.
It remains under observation, such as the Vitamin D levels developed. The administration of Vitamin D had namely by the Austrian science Fund FWF-funded study in the Patients on blood sugar levels a positive effect.
“We at the University clinic for Internal medicine we measure today as routine in the Affected the Vitamin D levels. This measure is the implementation of the results of our study on the effect of Vitamin D supplementation,“ said Lerch tree.
Vitamin D lowers blood sugar levels
In the study, which was published in the scientific magazine “European Journal of Nutrition”, was attended by 180 women with and 150 women without PCOS about six months, once a week Vitamin D Supplement.
Common to all was that they had to study the beginning of a Vitamin D deficiency. In patients with PCOS, the additional intake of the Vitamin had a short-term positive effect on the blood sugar values:
“The Fasting blood glucose level is a risk marker for precursors of Diabetes. We have also simulated the increase in blood sugar value after a normal meal by using sugar water,“ said the Doctor.
The latter makes even earlier precursors of type 2 Diabetes identified. This is important, because early forms of metabolic problems, such as slightly elevated blood glucose levels or increased insulin levels often occur in the early stages of PCOS.
If this development can be influenced, this can reduce the risk of metabolic diseases.
What surprised the researchers: In the healthy study participants taking Vitamin D had an unfavorable impact on the blood sugar value.
The emergence of metabolic diseases prevent
The information suggests that the problem changes with the disease in the course of life: For women in their early 20s with skin problems and hair are mostly cycle disorders or hormone-related priority.
“You also have hardly any complaints. Later, the unfulfilled desire to have children can be a Problem. From about the beginning of 40 metabolism back problems to the fore,“ said Lerch tree.
At the University clinic for Internal medicine, where the larch-tree is active, therefore, in the treatment of PCOS a long time on the aspects of nutrition, Fitness and Lifestyle. To help the emergence of metabolic diseases to prevent.
The more metabolic problems, such as Overweight or obesity (obesity), and the more been in vain, however, was done, the more difficult the implementation of a healthier life style.
In addition, such a strong weight loss has a unfavourable effect on muscle mass and bone density. Vitamin D could both keep in check, especially in combination with calcium.
“Our dosage is safe, inexpensive, has no side effects, easy to use and supports in all stages of the treatment success,” said the Doctor.
This is very important for those people, because the common – are not widely appreciated hormonal therapies because of the side effects, the high expenditure of time and mental strain.
Vitamin D levels depends on the genetic predisposition
The objective of the measure is to achieve the optimal current Vitamin D levels.
The study has also shown that the individual level of Vitamin D depends on the genetic predisposition together – the process to determine this genetically, but are still too expensive, to find in clinical Routine use.
Herein a lot of potential, because the individual Optimum and the correct dosage could be determined. With regards to the Latter, advises the internist, Vitamin D, generally speaking, not without a prior determination of the mirror itself.
Often an Overdose is the result. Also, this has “Extra” Vitamin D in Healthy according to the FWF-study even more unfavorable effect on metabolic parameters.
To be on the safe side, who lets his mirror to determine, in the case of a Vitamin-D-in the absence of a targeted dose and after a few months the Vitamin D level checked.
It is clear today that in women suffering from PCOS and a Vitamin D deficiency, the addition to the therapy by means of properly dosed Vitamin D supplements a positive effect on the blood sugar impact and easy to implement.
Through long-term observation of the study participants, the research team wants to find out whether this measure can also delay the onset of Diabetes type 2 in fact, “or even prevent it”. (ad)