A disease of affluence is rampant
Approximately every third Person in Germany suffers from the metabolic syndrome – and the trend is rising. Many do not even know they are affected. This syndrome reflects a combination of four physical States, which is the result of a modern life are often style: Obesity, hypertension, increased blood fat values as well as high blood sugar. Doctors warn of the serious consequences of this condition, ticking clock in our body, like an internal time bomb.
Heart attack, stroke, heart failure, Diabetes, gout, kidney, eye and nerve damage are just some of the consequences that favors a metabolic syndrome. Why this condition is so dangerous, said Dr. Eric Martin on an international training Congress of the German Federal chamber of pharmacists.
The deadly Quartet
“If left untreated, the metabolic syndrome is still a time bomb,” explains Dr. Martin in a press release, the Federal Union of German associations of Pharmacists. The widespread combination of Obesity, hypertension, increased blood fat and blood sugar levels increase the risk of heart disease and Diabetes drastically. These four health conditions, even as the deadly Quartet called, bundles of the same disease a number of risk factors for follow-up.
Why is metabolic syndrome so dangerous
“Overweight and obesity are not just cosmetic problems”, says the expert. Especially the fat accumulation in the abdominal area (“Apple-type”) associated with a greatly increased number of inflammatory messengers, which are formed by the belly fat and negative impact on the entire body impact. At the same time excess fat from the blood is deposited as Plaque in the blood vessels and promote atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) – a main trigger for heart attack and stroke. The high blood pressure favoring chronic heart weakness and could also to kidney and eye damage. A constantly elevated blood sugar contributes to the onset of type 2 Diabetes. In addition, patients with Metabolic syndrome often show increased uric acid values, which in turn promote gout.
Dangerous Insulin Resistance
“The most important consequence of the inflammatory obesity and, thus, trigger of the metabolic syndrome insulin resistance is,” emphasize the experts of the Federal chamber of pharmacists. Thus, the effect of the body’s own hormone Insulin will be disturbed significantly. For a time the body could correct this by an increased insulin production independently, until it finally come to a Diabetes-emergence. At the same time, the Oversupply of Insulin befeuere also other pathological conditions such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and atherosclerosis.
What can you do against the metabolic syndrome?
“The sooner this cycle is interrupted, the more the harmful health consequences can be avoided,” says Dr. Martin. Lifestyle changes with healthier eating, weight reduction and more exercise are an indispensable basis for the treatment of the syndrome.
Late treatment due to lack of pressure
“Patients often do not understand the interrelationships between the individual factors,” says Martin. In the development phase of the syndrome of suffering – lacking often; until the “bomb” the place. According to Dr. Martin, also, many patients prefer the more comfortable grip of the drug, instead of the life-style changes. This active but only against individual aspects of the syndrome. There is still a lot of work of enlightenment by Doctors and pharmacists, says the expert. (vb).