Time of suffering for Allergy sufferers begins: First birch pollen on the road
Already a few weeks ago, the beautiful weather made sure that hazel and alder pollen through the air, floating in the air. Now the flight of the birch pollen. For people with a pollen Allergy in the spring is usually a time of suffering. However, some tips can help to prevent or relieve.
Around 13 million Germans have hay fever
According to the German Allergy and asthma Federation (DAAB) nationwide, approximately 16 percent of the population – about 13 million people – an Allergy to pollen. For those Affected this means in addition to a constantly blocked or runny nose, and sneezing attacks are also itchy eyes, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances. “This is triggered, the allergic rhinitis due to the pollen of trees, shrubs, grasses, cereals and herbs,” explains the DAAB. “As soon as the Pollen with the mucous membranes come in contact”, Affected the nature of the symptoms. In the coming weeks, now people react to birch pollen allergic will have to reckon with complaints – some tips can help to keep you from.

Next “pollen wave” is in the house
Some of the Pollen to make Affected to create more than others. Soon, it starts with the pollen load by birch:
“While one can refer to due to the past few days phänolog and weather as a pollen-technically a “lame duck”, is the Allergy sufferers in the spring at the beginning of the next “pollen wave” into the house – the flowering of birch (Betula) begins,“ writes the Foundation German pollen information service on your website.
The experts expect in the coming weeks “in large Parts of the West-German plains, the Rhine and along the Danube and within the urban heat Islands” a “part of rapid amplification of possible complaints by birch pollen in the field of high values”.
Birch flower attracts two to three weeks
Also in Berlin, the birch begins to bloom. “We expect no pollen explosion, but a gradual increase,” explains Thomas Dümmel, a meteorologist at the Free University of Berlin (FU) in a communication of the news Agency dpa.
“The peak will probably be next weekend”, said the expert. According to the figures, then quite 2,000 to 3,000 Pollen grains per cubic meter can be measured the air in a day.
“It depends on the location of a birch,” explains Dümmel in the Agency message. “She stands all day in the sun, go for you now.”
Trees in the shade are in need of, however, a little more time. The birch flowering takes, therefore, a total of approximately two to three weeks.
Pollen is probably best to avoid
According to the experts, whether it is for Allergy sufferers who react strongly to birch pollen, is advisable, prophylactic medications.
But also various tips and home remedies can help to prevent or relieve these.
The Ideal way is to Avoid the Pollen. With the help of special Apps and websites you can check when the Pollen count is at its strongest and, in part, be individual allergic risk “predictions”.
To recommend is also airing in the morning between six and eight o’clock, then when the Pollen count is at its lowest.
In the case of strong Wind should be avoided on the Air. In order not to bring the pollen-Laden clothes into the bedroom, you should take them off at the best already in the bathroom.
It is recommended to go to a shower before bed; in particular, the hair should be washed, as there have Pollen sold.
Wet, in the room hung up towels may help, as Pollen from sticking to it. In case of rain, will Allergy sufferers are advised to use this time to go for a walk.
Treatment at different levels
Many of the specific immune therapy (hyposensitisation), in which the immune system is used over a longer period of time, slowly to the Allergy-triggering substance, by is administered to the Affected in a gradually increasing dose regularly helps.
“This therapy is referred to by the world health organization as “Allergy vaccination””, the Foundation German pollen information service.
“You can relieve the symptoms of a pollen Allergy, because it fights the cause and not the symptoms. The prospects of success of this treatment method are not different allergies, however,“ explain the experts.
Because of possible side effects that can bring this method of treatment, such as allergic reactions, or closed-cycle problems, some Allergy sufferers prefer natural healing methods, such as autologous blood therapy, acupuncture or Bach flower therapy.
In exceptional cases, it is also advised to have a drug treatment that is used for the relief and prevention of hay fever symptoms and for the treatment of inflammatory mucosal swelling.
Hay fever treat at an early stage
According to health experts, hay fever should be treated early, otherwise it could result in chronic Asthma.
“Asthma as a result of an undetected Allergy, unfortunately, is not rare: About 40 percent of those Affected receive, on average, after eight years of chronic bronchial Asthma – if the Allergy is not treated medically,” Bavarian health Minister Melanie Huml in a previous message.
It is therefore advisable to speak with suspicion on an Allergy in a timely manner with the family doctor and, if necessary, make an appointment with the allergist.
“To detect a pollen Allergy skin tests are performed, in which pollen extracts on the skin or injected under the skin applied,” the DAAB.
“In addition, a blood examination can be carried out in the presence of specific IgE antibodies against the respective Pollen can be detected.” (ad)