Remdesivir risk of death decreases by 62 percent? Expert, Super-the number of critical

It is fantastic Numbers the of the manufacturer of the drug Remdesivir reported are. The risk of death in a severe course of Covid-19 is to be reduced by the funds.

A new analysis would show a reduction in the relative mortality risk by 62 percent, as the U.S. pharmaceutical company Gilead announced on Friday. Remdesivir is the only one in the EU approved drug for the specific treatment of Covid-19.

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Accordingly, the mortality rate was higher in the standard therapy on day 14 after the start of treatment of hard-to Covid-19 patients at 12.5 percent. Patients were treated additionally with Remdesivir, died only 7.6 percent. Taking into account these Figures, and other patient-related factors of Gilead, the 62 percent reduced risk of death due to the drug.

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