Saffron cream with chocolate and bananas

Ingredients for 2 servings

For the saffron cream

  • 200 g Silken tofu – drain
  • 150 g soya cream, whippable
  • 3 EL Yaconsirup
  • ½ Organic lemon 1 ½ TBSP of the juice and ½ TSP of abrasion
  • 1 note of saffron (0.125 g)

For the spice-bananas

  • 150 g banana (net weight) – peel and cut diagonally into 5 mm slices
  • 1 TBSP coconut oil
  • 1 TBSP Yaconsirup
  • 1 Pinch Of Cardamom
  • 1 pinch of pepper from the mill

In addition,

  • 1 cream dispenser, 1 Cream charger (Kisag-brass) – optional
  • 15 g vegan dark chocolate (if possible without sugar, instead of coconut blossom sugar or Xylitol sweetened)
  • 2 leaves of mint – for decoration


Preparation time about 15 minutes cooking/baking time approx 5 minutes

Variant with cream dispenser (for a more airy result):

The saffron with 1 tablespoon hot water in a blender, followed by the Tofu, cream, Yaconsirup, lemon juice, and abrasion. The Whole smooth purée, then the cream dispenser, filling, capping and cooling. Just before Serving, sprinkle the capsule, press it in and on 2 glasses or bowls.

Variant without cream dispenser:

The soy cream and beat with a hand mixer until stiff. The saffron with 1 tablespoon hot water in a bowl; followed by Tofu, Yaconsirup, lemon juice, and abrasion. With the hand mixer until creamy, the soy cream and stir with a rubber scraper, fold in.

The cream in 2 glasses or bowls and allow to cool.

For both variants: The coconut oil in a pan and fry the banana slices on each side for about 1 Min. fry for a minute. Then the Yaconsirup, 1 TBSP water, cardamom, and pepper and stir gently to mix well.

The spice bananas on a plate and set aside.

To chips, the chocolate with a knife or a coarse grater to process.

Finally, the bananas, and garnish the cream with the chocolate and mint garnish to your liking. Serve immediately and enjoy.

Nutritional values per Serving

  • Calories: 466 kcal
  • Carbs: 35 g
  • Protein: 8 g
  • Fat: 31 g