How much of the body may ache after a workout?

There are aches and pains – a Massage after sports or a Hiking tour. But any pain is an alarm sign? Or you have to endure it sometimes just?

Pain is no Evil, but a useful means of nature, says Ingo Froböse of the German sport University in Cologne. He preserves us from more serious injury. “But it is important to know what kind it is,” adds physiotherapist Ute Merz.

Scientists distinguish three types: the Warning, the Alarm and the injury pain.

Muscle soreness: indicates adequate exposure

“The Warnschmerz arises from the Overload out,” says Froböse. Best example: muscle soreness after sports or after unusual physical exertion. Small cracks form in the muscles – and it shows. However, it is only an adaptation reaction of the body, not harm it further. This is evident in the fact that the same movements can cause, according to the medical journal over a number of weeks again soreness.

“A pain in 18 to 24 hours after the Sport, it is usually a classic immune reaction, indicating an Overload,” says Froböse. The train tracks end after this time nothing more, the load is appropriate or even too little.

“Also, muscle failure through intensive Training in the area and is harmless,” says Personal Trainer Nino rulers. With strong muscles you should not train, however, would enlarge the cracks. Also, if the pain persists for longer than five days, it should be clarified whether it is a sprain.

Another type is the alarm of pain. In everyday life this Form is the most common – for example, by Tooth pain, the inflammation. The alarm of pain usually occurs also before us, and formed lasting damage. Otherwise, it is the injury, pain, of, for example, in the case of a torn tendon or a fracture is created.

The signs of the body to understand

Pain may be part of the Training, says physiotherapist Merz. “Sometimes you have to challenge the body over a certain hurdle also. We are incredibly adaptable.”

The art is to be felt during the training, nevertheless, as little as possible of it. “It’s supposed to be fun,” says Merz. Who only torments, will not hold out for long. Is a pressure or Pull during a training Exercise, not a precise assessment, it is important to find alternative positions and with a Trainer slow keys approach.

It is also important to interpret the signs of the body properly. To draw in strength training after a few repetitions, begin by harmless fatigue, pain explain. However, there is a sudden including ends, sharp pain that limits additional stress to the muscle, it can be a muscle strain.

A body hurts part directly after the workout – for example, the knee is also often a reference to a harmless Strain, especially for beginners or after a prolonged sport of abstinence. The body signals that it needs a break. In General, the pain should go back overnight. You stay over multiple days there, with the addition of swelling. The Bodies heat up, a doctor should clarify the cause.

Dangerous is also the pain with drugs and to skip the break. Then serious injuries. With time, the body muscles and supporting reinforced fabric, so that the joints are relieved and the problems will be rare.

Physical therapy or Massage – here, too, pain may be necessary

Also in the physiotherapy, or Massage, it may be according to the Merz is necessary to endure a little suffering. Falls below, for example, at certain trigger, the blood circulation is increased it will points to release tension.

How strongly a person feels pain, is anyway very individual and trainable. Information about the potential for pain end up in the brain. This decides whether the Situation is stressful or not, and then sets an immune reaction. Accordingly, pain is dynamic. “You can consciously fight it, distract yourself, or him to Act to integrate,” says Froböse.