Colon cancer: With these 9 questions, you are free to choose Your risk

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. However, often the disease is detected too late. You know with the bowel cancer Check, whether and when you should go to the Pension.

Every year, approximately 61,000 people in Germany, the diagnosis of intestinal cancer. Timely Provision could be many diseases can be avoided. The first signs often remain unnoticed. From initially benign growths in the mucous membrane, so-called polyps, can cause tumors in various Places in the gut. These precursors often occur about ten to 15 years before the development of colon cancer.

Doctors can detect polyps when colorectal cancer Screening with colonoscopy (colonoscopy), and often as a precautionary measure, to remove. With the following Test, determine whether they belong to the colorectal cancer risk group and the Pension should go.

  • Here you can Quickly Check for colorectal cancer, the Felix Burda Foundation

1. You are 50 years or older?

With increasing age, the risk of bowel cancer increases. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the average age for men 69 years for women 75 years. However, the first signs often occur much earlier. Doctors recommend regular screening after the age of 50. Years of age.

You are 50 years or older, are covered by health insurance the annual stool test. Over 55 years of age, the Doctors also recommend a colonoscopy, which should be repeated after ten years.

In the case of the colonoscopy the doctor examines the skin the intestinal growths in the mucous membrane. This can be removed usually immediately, at the very least, if it is the typical polyps.

2. Have you noticed blood in the stool?

Have you ever had blood in the stool? In any case, a sign of alarm and may indicate a more serious condition. Please clarify such a Fund with your family physician.

Complaints of abdominal pain and constipation in the majority of cases comparatively harmless. However, you can also indicate a disease of the bowel. To keep the discomfort any longer, you should have the cause by a doctor to clarify.

3. You have already had polyps?

Polyps can increase the risk of colon cancer. Have already such benign growths removed, you should have the intestinal doctor-watch. A regular Before – and after-care is important to detect polyps at an early stage and to treat.

4. You have a hereditary or familial risk?

Is someone in your family already have colon cancer, you probably have an increased risk. Doctors distinguish between hereditary and familial colorectal cancer.

According to the German cancer research centre in Heidelberg, the risk of bowel cancer if a family history exists, is approximately twice as high. This is especially true for people whose immediate relatives before the age of 50. Years of age are affected.

One of the most common hereditary forms of the so-called Lynch syndrome. Are in your family hereditary cancers, you should speak with a doctor about your personal risk and appropriate preventive measures. Lynch-syndrome-patients 25 years of age should regularly carry out a colonoscopy.

5. You have ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s disease?

Bowel diseases such as ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease, favor the development of cancer. Who is already suffering from a chronic inflammation of the bowel, should, therefore, carry out regular colorectal cancer Screenings. Due to the constant irritation of the intestinal mucosa can develop polyps and colorectal cancer. This is especially true if you’ve been in pain for more than ten years of the disease, and this relates to the majority of the colon.

6. You Have Diabetes Type 2?

You suffer from type 2 Diabetes, you have a three times higher risk for colon cancer. The for the treatment of Insulin acts not only as a blood sugar-lowering, but also growth-promoting. This favors the development of tumor cells. With the beginning of the Diabetes treatment you should discuss, therefore, with your doctor about whether a colonoscopy is useful.

7. Are You A Smoker?

Less well known is that Smoking only increases the probability of lung cancer, but also the risk for other cancers increases forms. According to scientific studies, a long-standing nicotine consumption may cause damage to the intestinal cells. However, even occasional Smoking increases the probability, therefore, you should avoid using cigarettes.

8. A lack of movement?

Who is moving to little, has an increased risk of intestinal cancer. Doctors advise therefore to engage in a minimum of three Times a week physically. Scientific studies have shown that even 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity per day to reduce the risk of intestinal cancer. In Europe could be avoided, according to the world health organization, adequate exercise, about 14 percent of the cases of cancer in men, in women, around 16 percent.

9. Have You Overweight? Your diet is unhealthy?

In the case of colorectal cancer, diet plays an important role. Because one-sided diet with plenty of animal fat and red meat increases the risk of disease. Therefore pay attention to a balanced diet with lots of fiber from fruits and vegetables.

In addition, Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer. In the case of a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25, the risk of a colorectal cancer diagnosis is increasing enormously.

  • Here you can calculate your BMI

Felix Burda Foundation


If you could answer all nine questions is “no”, there is no suspicion of bowel cancer. You could answer one or more questions with “Yes”, you should speak with your doctor and, where appropriate, their intestines have a specialist investigate.